Hezbollah Violations of Resolutions 1701 + 1559 (October 21, 2020, to February 19, 2021)

On March 17, Israel submitted a letter to the President of the UN Security Council, Linda Thomas Greenfield, regarding violations of Resolutions 1701 + 1559. During the four months between October 21, 2020, and February 19, 2021, Hezbollah conducted 362 intelligence gathering tours with intelligence gathering means such as state-of-the-art cameras. 269 ​​attempts were made to cross the border (blue line), 264 cases of the presence of armed people (who do not belong to the Lebanese army) and there were 13 incidents of stone-throwing at Israeli territory.

IDF returning the three Sudanese to Lebanese authorities.

2 clear examples of violations on the border occurred On March 21:

During the day, an IDF force fired warning shots into the air to keep people away from the border fence. that night, three Sudanese migrant workers were caught trying to cross the border from Lebanese territory into Israel, they were interrogated and returned to Lebanese territory.

The pit dug under the border fence

Both incidents took place near kibbutz Yiftach opposite the Lebanese village of Blida.

All of these incidents, those described in the letter and those that occurred on March 21, took place in the UNIFIL area of ​​operation in southern Lebanon.

Hezbollah is Behind all these events, it continues to operate in southern Lebanon freely without any restriction with the backing of the Lebanese army and even with the direct assistance of the army.

UNIFIL today is unable to exercise its mandate to implement Resolutions 1701 + 1559. Its entire role today is its actual presence.

Picture of Alma Research

Alma Research

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