- While overviewing and comparing Hezbollah’s attacks on Israel in February and March 2024, it appears that Hezbollah successfully maintained its competence in three main arrays: rockets array, UAVs array, and anti-tank missiles array.
- Hezbollah’s main array is the rocket array, whose intensity of activity is maintained overall (127 launch events in February compared to 132 events in March).
- The intensity of UAV launches has increased 3.5 times in March compared to February, from 7 UAV attacks compared to 24 in March. It is important to mention that in March, Hezbollah only took responsibility for 4 UAV attacks, perhaps to try to avoid an Israeli “comparative reaction”.
- Although the number of Hezbollah anti-tank missile attacks has decreased drastically, from 75 attacks in February to 48 in March, Hezbollah still maintains a significant capability.
(Note: An attack refers to a single event, not the number of projectiles)