Name: Hasan Mashroueifar | Above: The only official photo of Mashroueifar published. Circled in red: the name tag that apparently does not match the publicized name |
Name in Persian: حسن مشروعیفر (also: حسن مشروعی فرد & حسن مشروحي فرد) | |
Position: Commander of the “Vali Amr Protection Corps” – the Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei’s personal security unit | Above: a photo from the appointment ceremony on the right: IRGC commander Hussein Salami on the left (allegedly): Hassan Mashroueifar |
Rank: IRGC BG2 (also called Sardar) | the same rank as his predecessor, Ibrahim Jabari | |
Former position: Senior Revolutionary Guards official (possibly deputy commander of the organization’s counterintelligence directorate) | |
His persona: Mashroueifar is a man who operates in the shadows. Therefore, the information regarding him is rather scarce. His name and the picture above, which was first published on June 25, are the only details released to the Iranian media relating to him. At the ceremony for his appointment into his new position, Revolutionary Guards chief Hossein Salami called him “one of the strongest, most determined, sincere and smartest commanders (in the Revolutionary Guards).” According to various indications, there is a possibility that until his new commission, he was not known by his authentic name but rather by a different name. It is possible that he was known as Hassan Amami (حسن امامی), an unknown figure from within the Revolutionary Guards whose appearance was never officially revealed, who held the position of deputy commander of the Revolutionary Guards’ counterintelligence and information security division (in Persian: سازمان حفاظت اطلاعات سپاه پاسداران انقلاب اسلامی | in English: Intelligence Protection Organization of the IRGC). One of the two surnames may be false, but it is unknown which one. According to the same indications, Mashroueifar (or Amami) was Mohammed Kazemi’s deputy in the counterintelligence and information security division. The theory that Mashroueifar and Amami are the same person is based, among other things, on the analysis of the name tag that appears on the uniform of Mashroueifar in the only photo distributed in the media (see above). In the photo, although in a blur, you can see that the surname is too short to match his name as publicized (Mashroueifar). The faded name is more similar to a short name, such as “Amami.” This theory is supported by documentation published since February 2020 in social media outlets, such as telegram and social media pages sympathizing with the IRGC. This photo is from a ceremony commemorating Qasem Soleimani, including threats of revenge over his assassination. The publication shows Zainab, Soleimani’s daughter, and “Hassan Amami,” described in the publication as “deputy commander of the counterintelligence division in the IRGC.” Amami was identified in the photo, in which his face was allegedly accidentally exposed. In this picture, Amami bears a great resemblance to Hassan Mashroueifar. | Above in the yellow box, and here enlarged: Hassan Mashroueifar (in the publication itself, he is referred to as “Hassan Amami”) |
The circumstances leading up to the appointment: The appointment of an individual who most likely served at the top of the counter-espionage division of the IRGC as head of Khamenei’s personal security unit was most likely intended to thwart the continued leakage of information. |